The Warwick Community Kindergarten has a professional, experienced,  early childhood staff with university qualified teachers and early childhood trained assistant educators. Our staff are committed and dedicated to the children and families who are part of the Kindy each year and make the Kindy the fantastic place that it is.

Our staff’s combined early childhood education experience is over 215 years! They really love doing what they do.

All staff participate in a range of professional development throughout the year and hold current first aid, CPR, asthma and anaphalaxis (EpiPen) certificates.

Inclusion Support Assistants are also employed from time to time to ensure all children can participate in the full Kindy program.

 The staff and committee are also supported by a part-time Administration Assistant.

Kathryn McConville Nominated Supervisor(Ba Early childhood Education) 
Mrs Joanne Mills Office Administrator(Cert Children's Services)







Mrs Laura Flannery(Ba Early Childhood Education)
Mrs Helen Howard(Cert III Children's Services) 

Group 1 (Green)

Unit 1

Monday, Tuesday & Alternatiave Wednesdays

8.30am to 2.45pm

Mrs Laura Flannery(Ba Early Childhood Education)
Mrs Joanne Mills Office Administrator(Cert Children's Services)

Group 2 (Yellow)

Unit 1

Alt Wednesdays, Thursdays & Friday  

8.30am to 2.45pm

Kathryn McConville (Dipl T, Early Childhood) 
Mrs Kym O'Leary(Dip Childrens Services)

Group 3 (Green)

Unit 2

Monday, Tuesday & Alternatiave Wednesday

8.15am to 2.30pm

Kathryn McConville (Dipl T, Early Childhood) 
Ms Kayla Haidley(Dip Childrens Services)

Group 4 (Yellow)

Unit 2

Alt Wednesdays, Thursdays & Friday  

8.15am to 2.30pm

After Kindy Care

Unit 1

Monday to Friday  

2.30pm to 5.30pm