You can enrol your child at our kindy from birth. It is highly recommended that you enrol your child as soon as convenient to have the greatest choice of group options.
The names of the waiting list are kept in chronological order on receipt of applications. All enrolment offers are made strictly in accordance with the Kindy's waiting list policy and the number of vacancies available.
Waiting List Policy
Our waiting list policy can be found here >>
Kindy Age Calculator
You can use the Kindy Age Calculator to find out when your child can start kindy here >>
The waiting list form is available by:
Completing the form online
Complete the WCKindy Waiting List Application Form >>.
Download the PDF form
Click here to download the PDF form. Then email or post back to us as follows:
use the contact form on our Contact Us page to send the form back to us
Warwick Community Kindergarten, PO Box 169, Warwick QLD 4370
Collect from the office
Collecting from the office at 54 Dragon Street (Monday to Friday, 9.00am-3.00pm)
Call the office – (07) 4661 2138
The Kindy operates during the Queensland State School terms. We offer places to our target group, children 3.5 years to 4.5 years (the year prior to Prep), children must turn 4 by 30 June in the year they attend Kindy.
All children attend Kindy 5 days per fortnight, in one of the following groups:
Unit 1 / Group 1 – Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesday - 8.30am to 2.45pm
Unit 1 / Group 2 – alternate Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - 8.30am to 2.45pm
Unit 2 / Group 3 – Monday, Tuesday and alternate Wednesday - 8.15am to 2.30pm
Unit 2 / Group 4 – alternate Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - 8.15am to 2.30pm
See our 2024 calendar as a PDF under the News & Events tab.
The Warwick Community Kindergarten also understands that the work/life balance can be a bit of a juggle at times, so in addition to our 5 day/fortnight program, we also offer a 5 day/week program (when vacancies permit), as well as After Kindy Care until 5.30pm.
The After Kindy Care program is available to all children attending our centre and aims to provide a relaxed, caring environment after their daily program. This program is run by a trained Group Leader and assistant. This program is run separate to our daily Kindergarten program.
Hours of operation – Monday to Friday from 2.30pm to 5.30pm during school terms only (excluding pupil free days and public holidays). The program commences in Week 1.
Bookings – permanent or casual bookings can be made and are available only to children enrolled at the Kindy. Your child can attend on days that they are not attending their normal kindy program.
Fees – a flat rate of $10 per hour or part thereof is charged and invoiced at the end of each month.
Kindy funding provided by the Queensland Kindergarten Funding Scheme for 2023 has made Kindy more affordable to all families. The out of pocket cost families will pay, depends on the following:
Is your child QKFS eligible (ie turns 4yrs old by 30th June in the year of attendance and nominates our Kindy to receive the QKFS rebate on your child's behalf.
Is your family eligible for Family Tax Benefit A or B
Do you hold a current HCC/Concession card
Please find the 2023 Schedule of Fees below and as attachment WCKindy 2023 Statement of Fees

Waiting List Fee
Payable on placement of child on the Kindy waiting list (non-refundable)
Enrolment Fee
Paid on acceptance of a position at the Kindy (non-refundable). This includes 1 Kindy shirt (various colours & sizes are available)
$125.00 per year
After Kindy Care
Invoiced at the end of each month
$10.00 per hour (or part there of)
Attendance Fees